Hall Road Culvert Replacement

Hall Road, east of the Chapel Road intersection is currently closed. While this is an inconvenience to all, replacement cannot take place until all public utilities have ‘marked and cleared’ the dig site per Dig Safely NY. This is the law.

The Town is waiting for Frontier Communications to relocate a fiber optic line in the south side of the road, and a copper communication line running parallel to the culvert. Until this work is completed, and Frontier ‘clears’ the dig site, NO WORK can take place at this site.

Frontier Communication has made several trips to this location, planning their work. At this time, the Town has no knowledge of a completion date for Frontier. The Town Board has instructed their Attorney to contact Frontier Communications, stressing the importance of completing their work, so that the culvert can be replaced, and the road reopened.

Any new information will be passed on as we receive it.