REDI- Public Information Meeting, CR 89 Culvert Replacement

When: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 6pm – 8pm EDT

Where: WebEx Meeting

The purpose of this meeting is to provide the public with general information about the proposed culvert replacement project on County Route 89 in the Town of Oswego.  This meeting is being hosted by the Town of Oswego as part of their monthly Town Board meeting, and is open to the public.  The format of the presentation will be a PowerPoint presentation.

This project is part of the Governor’s Lake Ontario REDI (Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative) to help minimize the effects of Lake Ontario’s seasonal high water events.  The project is sponsored by the Oswego County Highway Department, who is the owner of the project.

In addition to inviting local residents and businesses to attend; please share this meeting appointment, at your discretion, with appropriate stakeholders such as local emergency services, and local school districts covering this area.

This is a WebEx meeting, and can be attended either by via computer, and/or call-in.  The link to the online meeting, as well as call-in information, is posted at the end of this announcement.

Thank, you

Loren K. Gosselin, PE

Highway Design Supervisor

New York State Department of Transportation, Central New York Region

333 East Washington Street, Syracuse, NY 13202

(315) 428-3228 (office)

(315) 949-1370 (cell) | [email protected]

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