For the many African Americans who lived in the Slave States prior to and during the American Civil War, the Underground Railroad provided them the opportunity and assistance for escaping slavery and finding freedom. One of the most curious characteristics of the Underground Railroad was its lack of formal organization. No one knows exactly when it started, but there were certainly isolated cases of help given to runaways as early as the 1700s. By the early 19th century, there were organized flights to freedom.

Pease House- Cemetery Road at Bunker Hill Road. Daniel Pease (1793-1847) and his wife, Miriam Rice Pease (1784-1847), constructed their Federal-style home in the 1816-1826 period. Two generations of the Peases, Daniel and Miriam and their seven children, provided a haven for runaway slaves; their farmhouse became an important stop on the Auburn-Oswego section of the Underground Railroad.

We will being adding more information about the Underground Railroad as it becomes available. If you know of any links or interesting websites concerning the Underground Railroad please E-mail Historical Society
The Underground Railroad in Oswego County – A Driving Tour
- Underground Railroad Links